Will Twitter Shutdown? 100s resigned, 1000s fired! Musk’s Twitter 2.0

Twitter is on verge of a rampage

Elon Musk’s Twitter 2.0

Soon after Elon Musk took over Twitter, it became a sensation over the internet. But now things look to have gone from bad to worse. According to sources, employees have decided to get their feet off the pedal.

Weeks ago, Parag Agarwal, the former CEO, was fired by Elon Musk, and soon after this incident, almost 50% of the workforce was compelled to leave Twitter. 90% of those fired workforces belong to India, which is seen as a most significant setback after takeovers. The takeover has not gone smoothly but rather chaotic in all aspects.

Twitter has been one of the prominent social media platforms: Source

Offices have been shut off after his recent emails to employees, which signals long working hours and updated leave policies. And all of this is considered as a sheer monopoly from Elon by his employees. This has invited massive resignations at each level of the hierarchy.

The Quick Turnaround

The man who used to be a role model for many is now turning his image into nothing more than a devil, said a Twitter user. And there are many such comments/posts flooding Twitter at the moment. A trend #RIPtwitter has been trending for day long, and people are expressing their anguish over the running riots from Musk.

In the past few days, Elon has taken twitter users by surprise with some of his decisions and policies. He publicly fired employees who tried fact-checking him, and also he introduced a subscription for an official blue ticks account. All of this has turned the tables against the odd man.

Some employees were fired with immediate action, and some were offered severance pay while some of them also exclaimed that long working hours commitment had been taken from them. Those who did not agree to the “long hours at high intensity” policy were asked to pack their bags with 3 months of severance pay.

Current Situation

People over the internet believe the sources that Twitter is about to break for public usage as there is no one left to fix it. Twitter trends to exclaim the outrage have been going on for a day. The fired employees are coming up and sharing their views on the work culture each day.

The twitter office has been shut off till next week

The mass resignations have also been a part of this controversial takeover, where it is believed that the ultimatum emails from Musk have messed up things at Twitter. The badge access has been taken off from employees until this week, and the world is awaiting this situation.

PR’s Take

People over the internet may have varying opinions on this topic, but being a part of the IT domain for the past few years, we see the hardships here. These incidents have taken the world by surprise, including us. We hope things get better at Twitter.

The mass resignation across the globe has forced Musk to shut off office operations until November 21st. The ultimatum emails create nothing more than chaos in the workforce. Being a leader and CEO of a company, he definitely has aspects to look after, which include cost-cutting at the top of the list. But, the way Twitter has been managed so far has turned on panic mode globally.

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