Why are continuous Earthquake tremors felt in India? Is it a replica of 2015?

What is causing these Earthquake once again in Nepal?

A  5.4 magnitude earthquake encountered  Nepal on Sunday for the second time. Tremors were felt in Delhi- NCR as well. A few more large earthquakes are expected in 2022.

Road cracks due to Earthquake

Earthquake in Nepal

Around 7.57 pm, Nepal hit an earthquake of magnitude 5.4 on the Richter scale. According to the National Center for seismology, the depth of the earthquake was around 10 km below the ground and 212 km southeast of Joshimath in Uttarakhand. There was no report of casualty or property damage.

As per reports of the national Earthquake Monitoring and research centre, the epicentre of the earthquake was Patadebal of Bajhang.  On the previous Wednesday Nepal had an earthquake of 6.3 magnitudes. in which six lives were lost. The epicentre of the earthquake was at Khaptad National Park, Doti district of West Nepal.

Nepal is prone to Earthquakes. In 2015 a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook Nepal. Leading to the loss of nearly 9000 people and more than 22000 injured the earthquake not only took lives but also damaged around 800,000 houses and school buildings.

Why are continuous Earthquakes and tremors felt in India?

People living in Delhi NCR also described the feelings of strong tremors which lasted for a few seconds on Twitter. The chief minister of Delhi Mr. Arvind Kejriwal also tweeted ‘I hope everybody is safe’

Delhi comes under seismic zone IV, as per the seismic zone map of the Bureau of Indian Standards. Regions that come under zone IV are the second most active seismically. Zone V is the most active seismically.

Chandni Chowk, Delhi

The frequency of earthquakes happening in South Asia is concerning. On Saturday evening around 4.25 pm, a small earthquake of 3.4 magnitudes was recorded in the Pauri Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand falls under seismic zone IV and V, as it is highly prone to Earthquakes.

According to scientists, there is a strong possibility of a huge earthquake hitting the Himalayan region. People need to prepare themselves better to lessen the damage to life and property.

There are 7 platelets inside the earth, which are constantly moving. which leads to the collision of these platelets. The energy produced during the breakdown of these platelets because of the crash causes Earthquake

According to experts, the biggest threat to Delhi-NCR is from the belt of the Himalayan region. Mr Ajay paul a senior geophysicist of the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology has said the Himalayas exist due as a result of a collision between the Eurasian and Indian plates.

The Indian plates accumulate strained energy due to the constant pressure from the Eurasian plates. Because of this, the energy gets released on its own from time to time in form of earthquakes, Mr. Paul said.

Himalayan Region

According to Mr. Paul, Due to the buildup of strained energy `under the Himalayan region, the occurrence of earthquakes is a normal and persistent process. The whole region of the Himalayas is extremely vulnerable to tremors and prone to huge earthquakes. The possibility of a large-scale earthquake is always there.

Unfortunately when or where an earthquake can hit can not be predicted. The release of energy can take place anytime. Nobody knows when it would happen, it may occur in the next moment, next month or maybe after 100 years. There is no certainty to it.

The four major earthquakes in the Himalayan region recorded in the past 150 years include

  • Shilong 1987
  • Kangra 1905
  • Bihar- Nepal 1934
  • Assam 1950
  • Nepal 2015

Precautions to take against Earthquakes

Although earthquakes are unpredictable,  we need to take the necessary steps to deal with them. To protect and minimize the harm and damage to life and property.

The aftermath of an Earthquake

People should be educated and made aware of the preparations to do before the earthquake, during the time of the occurrence of one and how to deal with the aftermath of the earthquake, The construction should be immune to earthquakes, and mock drills, be once every conducted.

Mr. Paul says, taking such precautions can reduce the damages done by an earthquake by  99.99 per cent.

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