This creature looks like a Chinese dragon, changes color with increasing age, is born male and later becomes female!

Ribbon Eel- A Strange Creature: The ribbon eel is the most strange creature in the world, which looks like a mythical Chinese dragon with its thin body and fins. This creature changes its body color with increasing age. You will also be surprised to know that these creatures are born male and later become female. When this happens, this creature lays eggs.

The video of the creature has been posted on social media platform ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) by @Rainmaker1973 with the caption ‘When a ribbon eel reaches its male full size, it changes its color to female. It starts changing and changes its color to yellow.

Watch here- Video of Ribbon Eel

Interesting facts about ribbon eel

As twofishdivers reports, the ribbon eel is a creature full of features, Interesting facts about which (Ribbon Eel Interesting Facts), May surprise you. The life cycle of this organism is very unique, which consists of three stages. In these stages, not only does this organism change its color but it also changes from male to female.

See here- pictures of ribbon eel

In the first phase of life (black phase), this creature is black in color, which starts its life as a juvenile male. In this phase it can be easily identified by the bright yellow feathers on its body. In its second phase (blue phase), as this eel matures, its bright black color changes to blue. Also the feathers remain bright yellow in colour.

In the last phase of its life i.e. the third phase (yellow phase) when this eel grows to about 1.3 meters (4 feet) long. Then a big change takes place in its body. The entire color of its body becomes yellow. During this time this organism enters the female stage and then becomes completely female. In this stage the ribbon eel lays eggs.

Tags: Amazing news, OMG News, trending news, Weird news

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