Chinese President Xi Jinping created a system to keep an eye on his citizens and also implemented color coding

Xi Jinping Updates : The Chinese government has again started keeping an eye on its own citizens, a new system has been created for this. Under this, the local administration is keeping an eye on people’s homes. A chart of people’s homes has been made in the police station, and families have been color coded. According to the New York Times report, the walls of police stations in China are filled with sheets of paper. There is a separate sheet for each apartment, which is divided according to the unit. Residents’ phone numbers and other information are also given on it. Categories have been divided and color coded. The report said that yellow color means there is a need to keep an eye and orange color means strict control.

So that there is no rebellion in China
The report claims that Xi Jinping wants to take this control so deeply into the lives of the people that people in China can never revolt. The local administration said in a video that we have created a system to identify hidden dangers in our jurisdiction. Retired employees are recruited to keep an eye on people, who regularly report to the police. Jinping has named this effort ‘Fengqiao experience for a new era’. Fengqiao defines a city where during the era of Mao Zedong, the party encouraged citizens to teach a lesson to political enemies. During this time people were publicly beaten or tortured.

China is resorting to cruelty
Political experts have called it cruelty. They said that this campaign of China shows how it is resorting to cruelty to deal with the growing challenges. The slowdown in China’s economy is affecting the people, due to which the protests have increased. Due to tensions with the West, Beijing has warned about foreign spies spread everywhere. Tibetans, Uighurs and other minority groups are at the forefront of the police’s target in the name of Fengqiao. Companies have been asked to register their employees in the police database. Government employees go to churches and give speeches.

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