Camera Hack : Method 1 of 5


Hi readers, I am Praneethraj Bhat, welcome to another Cyber Blog, this time it’s RED FLAG and for educational purposes only!


Yes, hack security/ surveillance cameras, This is guided 5 STEP Method


  1. Discovery: Accessing IP cameras with Shodan
  2. Access cameras in the same network
  3. H@cking camera with a brute force attack
  4. Accessing IP cameras using Websites
  5. By exploiting camera vulnerability


We will take a look at 1st Method of Discovering Camera!


  1. Accessing IP cameras with Shodan is a search engine used by hackers, It is an amazing tool to discover servers, IP Locations and much more!

Using shodan you access information of IP cameras, don’t forget to check out screenshot results!

Here is how –> 

  1. To find Hikvision manufacturer cameras in India
    Search for  “hikvision country:IN
Image describing the usage of search

2. To find Hikvision cameras in a city
Search “hikvision city:mangalore

3.To find Hikvision cameras at those coordinates
Search as “hikvision geo:37.81,144.96” ( Numbers are coordinates of required location)

So if you have exact and it’s being exposed in the network, you can use it! 


As mentioned earlier, don’t forget to check out attached screenshot, there are lot of valuable information you can get from the results, such as:

  1. IP address,
  2. Network Provider
  3. Location/ service area
  4. Protocols and Ports available / open
  5. Vulnerabilities
  6. Plugin Version
  7. OS Version
  8. Gateway IP
  9. Last Modification date

All these are very valuable and can be used to hack against the target!

Use it for your own camera! or else it is ILLEGAL!

Wait for PART 2 of the blog to discover more about it, by the time check out technology blogs.