Students used to come running from 15 kilometers away on hearing the sound of the bell, know what is the matter

Vishal Kumar/ Chapra:- Rajendra College, which comes under the Jaiprakash University of the district, is special in itself. This college was established in 1938. The college is named after India’s first President Deshratna Dr. Rajendra Prasad. It is the most senior constituent unit of Jai Prakash University, where intermediate, UG and PG level studies are conducted. This college, built by the British, is beautiful to look at, along with this, there are still many unique things of the British era here, including the famous bell clock of Rajendra College. This clock was installed during the British era, which still has hundreds of brass bells. The weight of one bell is around 1 quintal.

15 km. The sound was heard from a distance
It is said that when this bell rang on time, people could hear the sound even from 15 kilometers away. Students used to come running to the college on hearing the sound of the bell. Even today, there are hundreds of bells in the clock, which was made by the British. It is said that its sound could be heard till the neighboring Ara district. But now this bell does not ring. When the British left the country, the clock got damaged. After this, many attempts were made to get it made, but this clock could not be made. Even today, the clock and bell on the wall are visible from a distance and attract people a lot.

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The clock was installed by the British
College employee Ayub Khan told Local18 that this building was built by Banwari Lal Sah, which was later captured by the British. After the British left, a college was opened in it, which is still running today. A bell clock was installed in the college by the British, the sound of which could be heard from more than 15 kilometers away. Students would come running to the college on hearing the sound of the bell clock.

Ayub Khan told Local18 that this clock has now broken down. Many attempts were made to get it repaired, but no one could make it. This bell clock of the college is very famous. People come from far and wide to see it. This bell clock used to work for many years even after the British left. But ever since it broke down, it has not rung till now.

Tags: Bihar News, Chapra news, Local18

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