Some facts about S. Jaishankar and Ajit Doyal:What Do they do at the International level?

S. Jaishankar

The current cabinet of India has two of the most significant people. Ajit Doval and  S. Jaishankar. Both of them are known for their capabilities of upholding the nation’s internal and international affairs.

However, accomplishing this for your country does not come naturally. Their journey has incapacitated them to achieve such success.

Life of Mr Ajit Doval

Ajit Doval, the fifth national security advisor of India, is a retired Indian police service officer from the Kerala cadre. Mr Ajit was born in Uttarakhand, in 1945.

S. Jaishankar

Some interesting about Ajit Doval

  • He was the youngest police officer to be awarded Kirti Chakra, a prestigious award for military personnel.
  • In 2016, surgical air strikes across the borders of Pakistan were conducted under Mr Doval’s supervision.
  • He played an important role in the negotiation of the release of passengers from the hijacked IC-814 in the year 1999.
  • He ended 15 hijackings of Indian Airlines aircraft between the years 1971 and 1999
  • Ajit Doval is also known for his role in “Operation Blue Star” for gathering intelligence. He has worked as an extraordinary intelligence officer for IB throughout most of his career.

National Security Advisor term of Ajit Doval

In 2019, Doval was reappointed for his position as National Security Advisor Advisor. Due to his successful run, he was given a cabinet rank in his second term.

In addition to Doval’s capabilities which have helped India’s security on a global level. the International affairs and bilateral terms with other countries India have become more efficient under the command of  S. Jaishankar.

Education of S. Jaishankar

Dr Jaishankar has contributed two decades’ worth of work in the diplomacy and international relations of India. After completing his PhD and master in international relations from JNU. He cracked the Indian civil services exam


Some facts about  S. Jaishankar

  • Dr S.Jaishanker’s first posting was in Moscow Russia as third and second secretary. In 1985 as the first secretary he was transferred to the USA. Due to the Cold War, these two countries were not on good terms with each other. However, with his capabilities, Mr Jaishankar was able to balance India’s interest amidst these rivals.
  • Between 1990 and 1995  Dr S. Jaishankar studied the political and economic prices of India closely. His posting in Tokyo  helped in improving the relations between Japanese prime minister Yoshiro Mori and India
  • After the 21st century Indian foreign policy needed to be changed. Due to the collapse of the cold war and the increasing global world order, the US had become a huge power.

To avoid India from being shadowed by it,  S. Jai Shankar strengthened his Alliance with like-minded regional allies. He enhanced the economic cooperation agreement between India and Singapore, leading to the flourishing of Indian businesses in Singapore.

  • Mr Jaishankar has supported open communication with both Pakistan and China. He believes in a cautious approach towards both countries.

Political Career of Mr S. Jaishnakar

In 2014 after an excellent career in diplomacy, he was ready to retire. However, Prime Minister Modi due to a lack of great expertise in external affairs extended his tenure. In 2019 after the rise of the BJP again S. Jaishankar was posted as external affairs minister of India. In 2020 DR S Jaishankar crossed many more milestones. He tackled the Ukraine war allegations against India reasonably and efficiently.

S. Jaishankar

What Do they do at the International level?

S. Jaishankar

S. Jaishankar is known to be India’s greatest component for Indian diplomacy. His straightforward statements and calm nature plays an important role in it.

Recently he finished an important meeting at the UNGA summit. Statements made during the 11-day visit to Washington Post are considered to be crucial for the Global expansion of India.

According to experts the outcome of this meeting would play a beneficiary role in India’s foreign policy. Mr S. Jhaishankar has reshaped Indian foreign policy by replacing its defense posture with calculated aggression

Jaishankar has served for the nations in many countries such as Czeh Republic, Singapore, China.He also plays an important role in Indo- Us relations and other international affairs.

On the other hand Ajit Doval, has addressed the ongoing tension at the Line of Actual Control. Doyal has talked with Wang Yi, China’s special representative regarding the confrontation points, and the Galwan Valley attack

Doyal has also undergone operations as a secret spy to undercover international security threats to the state.

Both of these men have contributed to this nation. Their nature and skills has escalated India’s growth on a tremendous level.

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