‘Mom and Dad are growing ganja!’ The girl said such a thing to the teacher, trouble arose, everyone was shocked after knowing the truth!

You must have heard a saying, children are true at heart! Many times, in innocence and simplicity, they say such things which have no special meaning. But many times, in this innocence, they tell such things about the house, which cause embarrassment to the parents. A little girl also did the same. Whose funny and innocent conversations were captured on camera by his father. The girl told her teacher in school that ganja was being grown in her house. His parents are growing this ganja (Kid talk about weed in school). Hearing this, even the parents were shocked. But the truth was something else!

Recently a video has been posted on the Facebook page Newsner.com, in which a little girl is telling her father that she talked about marijuana in school. Her father asked what she said to the teacher in school (funny girl viral video). So the girl said that she told the teacher that weed is not a good thing. So the father asked why he said this. So the girl said that weed looks like grass, but it is not grass. He told the teacher that he had a lot of weed in his house. So his father asked him why he said this.

Girl talked about marijuana in school
The father said that when he went to pick her up from school, the teacher told him that she heard from the girl that there was a lot of weed in their house. So the girl said that it is true, right now she is small, but she will grow in future. The girl said that we should uproot that ganja and take it to some other place. Then the father asked what she was talking about, please show her. After that the girl took her father out with her and showed him the ganja. Actually the girl was calling the grass growing in the garden of the house as weed. Parents are surprised to see this. She was considering the grass as ganja.

Video is going viral
This video has received 13 lakh views while many people have given their reactions by commenting. Many people also shared similar experiences related to their children. One said that his daughter made a drawing in school, which showed the parents in jail. She wrote with the photo, my parents are in jail. Actually her parents are policemen!

FIRST PUBLISHED: May 22, 2024, 15:31 IST

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