Kanairia Research Video Pakistanis Said We are children of Hindus Mughals converted Muslims old video of Pakistanis viral

Pakistani Muslims: There is often a discussion about the Muslims of India and Pakistan that the Muslims here did not come from Arabia nor did they come from Turkey. Many times the topic of DNA test also comes up in TV debates. Now the Muslims of Pakistan have also started calling themselves the children of Hindus. Similarly, an old video of Pakistanis is going viral.

A YouTube channel named Kanaria Research has prepared a complete video of such statements, in which an attempt has been made to show that now the Muslims of Pakistan have also started claiming their ancestors to be Hindus. The late Tarek Fateh, who was exiled from Pakistan, can be heard saying in this video that the Muslims of India and Pakistan do not believe in Islam at all. These people are a strange type of Muslims, they neither believe in the Sanskrit of India nor do they believe in the culture of Persia. After all, the ancestors of the Muslims of India and Pakistan were Hindus.

Relationship of Indian Muslims with Mongolia
In a conversation with a Pakistani journalist, Indian motivational speaker Harshvardhan Jain is seen trashing the Muslims of Pakistan and India. He said that in the religion in which people salute, that is, pray for safety, the same people work to stab other people in the waist. Harshvardhan Jain said that about 1200 Mongolians had come to India. Babar was also a descendant of Mongols. After this there were Muslims in India. These Muslims converted either out of fear or out of greed.

Films made on conversion- Pakistani
Harsh Vardhan said that those Mongolians who converted them to Islam used to drink alcohol, but alcohol is banned in Islam. Similarly, Harsh Vardhan is seen raising many questions. Apart from this, many such video clips have been shown, in which some youth of Pakistan are seen saying that they have seen many such films in which it has been told how we became Muslims from Hindus. The Pakistani youth said that here there is talk of waging jihad with non-Muslims, after all our ancestors were Hindus.

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