Former Chinese Navy officer reached Taiwan with speedboat arrested

Tension between China and Taiwan: When a former Chinese Navy officer reached Taiwan with a speedboat, there was a ruckus there. On Tuesday (June 11, 2024), senior officials said in this connection that a Chinese man has been arrested. He had illegally entered the Taipei port with a speedboat. The arrested person is a former Chinese Navy captain.

According to the South China Morning Post report, the Chinese speedboat collided with another boat after entering the Tamsui River heading towards Taipei city on Sunday. The arrested man has identified himself as Ruan. He claims to be a former captain of the Chinese Navy. He had left Ningde port in China’s coastal city of Fuzhou a day earlier.

What was found from the Chinese speedboat?

The arrested former Chinese official said that he has come to Taiwan to take refuge because of the harassment by Chinese officials. Currently, Taiwan is looking at this incident from a different perspective and is considering reaching Taipei via speedboat as a serious security lapse, while security has been increased during the ongoing tension between the two countries. Taiwan’s coast guard said that no food or drink was found from the speedboat.

This could be China’s strategy

According to the Taiwanese Coast Guard, the arrested Chinese man said that he was persecuted by Chinese authorities for making ‘inappropriate statements’, which is why he wanted to flee to Taiwan. Taiwan’s Defense Minister Wellington Koo said on Tuesday that this could be a strategy of China to infiltrate. According to ‘Taiwan News’, after this incident, the country’s Defense Ministry will take strict measures to prevent the infiltration of Chinese ships.

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