Forget cobra and krait, this is the most dangerous snake, it spits so much poison in one go, it will kill 100 people!

Snake, one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. If it is seen even on TV or social media video, then the person starts trembling with fear. What can be said about his reaction when he comes in front of it. There may be hundreds of snakes of different species on this earth, but which of them is the most poisonous and where does it live? Is it found in India, and what can happen if it bites? Let us tell you everything about this snake, but before telling about it, if you have already guessed the most poisonous snake (Dangerous Snake in the World) as cobra or krait, then let us tell you that you are completely wrong.

Cobra or Krait cannot even come close to this snake (most venomous snake) in terms of being dangerous. Its name is Inland Taipan snake. According to the report of Live Science website, these snakes are mostly found in the swampy areas of South Australia and Queensland. They stay very far from humans, do not come in contact with them. They are also very shy. According to the report of Australian Museum website, this snake has bitten only a few people till date, but all of them have been saved because they were treated in time.

the most dangerous snake in the world

In front of this snake, the venom of all other snakes pales in comparison. (Photo: Canva)

Can kill 100 people
But how poisonous is this snake? According to BBC’s Discover Wildlife website, the amount of venom this snake releases in just one bite can kill 100 people. When it senses danger, it bends into an S shape and positions itself for attack. If we talk about the most dangerous snake for humans, then the Saw-scaled Viper snake is considered extremely dangerous. In India alone, this snake kills 5000 people every year.

King cobra is also dangerous
If we talk about King Cobra or Indian Cobra, both these snakes are dangerous, but cannot compete with Taipan, however, many humans are killed by them. It is believed that if a King Cobra bites an elephant, it can die within a few hours. If this snake bites a human and he is not treated immediately, then the person can die within half an hour.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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