Britain Elections 2024 PM Rishi Sunak calls UK election for July 4

UK Elections 2024: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced on Wednesday (May 22) that general elections will be held in the country on July 4. With his announcement, the ongoing speculations regarding the election dates came to an end. Amid rain in London, Sunak, the country’s first Indian-origin Prime Minister, confirmed that the vote would be held in six weeks.

The Prime Minister will formally inform King Charles of the election date and Parliament will be dissolved soon thereafter. Sunak presented the record of his tenure to British voters. He said, ‘I will do everything in my power to provide you with strong security. This is my promise to you… now is the time for Britain to choose its future.

‘Risky strategies and choices’

British PM Sunak announced outside his 10 Downing Street residence that he was calling an election earlier than some expected, a risky strategy given his party is far behind in opinion polls. Sunak is not only far behind Labor in the polls, but is also isolated from some in his own party.

Why did Rishi Sunak suddenly decide to hold elections?

Rishi Sunak is the fifth Prime Minister of Britain in the last eight years. He was sworn in in October 2022 after the resignation of Liz Truss. According to Reuters report, Rishi Sunak has taken the sudden decision to go to the elections keeping in mind the recent economic reforms such as the decline in inflation and the fastest economic growth in almost three years. However, it is being seen as a gamble.

At the same time, news agency Reuters quoted the spokesperson of Labor leader Keir Starmer as saying, “Whenever the Prime Minister calls the elections, we are fully ready to go. We have a fully organized and operational campaign and we feel that the country Is calling for general elections.”

read this also: Rishi Sunak is preparing to shock Indians, he is closing this special scheme of Britain

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