As soon as summer arrived they started returning… they are roaming around, but if they touch them even by mistake, you might have to face the consequences!

Many times we see many things in our life that look very beautiful at first glance. However, we have no idea that behind this beauty is hidden the message of death. The things created by nature are also amazing. We understand them to be something, but the features they actually have are completely different.

People hardly enjoy anything as much as they enjoy going to the sea shore in summer. However, there are dangers behind this too, which we are unaware of. This is the reason why sea life is considered very mysterious. You never know when and which thing can become fatal here. Some such dangerous creatures have returned with the arrival of summer, which can prove fatal for the lovers of sea waves. Let’s know about them-

dangerous exotic creatures, exotic creatures come out as the sea gets warmer, dangerous creatures, dangerous water mammals

Portuguese Man o War (Credit- Canva)

The creature named Portuguese man o’ war is a kind of jellyfish. It has 30 to 100 feet long tendrils, which are extremely poisonous and help it in hunting. It remains active for weeks after coming out of water and can sting anyone. If it stings, add salt to hot water and pour it on the affected area and do not scratch or rub that area even by mistake.

dangerous exotic creatures, exotic creatures come out as the sea gets warmer, dangerous creatures, dangerous water mammals

Box jellyfish. (Credit- Canva)

Another dangerous jellyfish is the box jellyfish. It is also quite poisonous. Some species of box jellyfish produce a strong poison when they come in contact with their tentacles.

dangerous exotic creatures, exotic creatures come out as the sea gets warmer, dangerous creatures, dangerous water mammals

Smalltooth Sand Tiger Shark. (Credit- Canva)

Smalltooth sand tiger sharks also start returning to the sea in summer. Their specialty is that they are underwater. In such a situation, they can prove harmful for divers. Although they do not attack without provocation, but we do not know when we provoke them.

Weever fish is also poisonous. There is poison on its back part and gills. It buries itself in the sand during the day and only its eyes are visible. If you accidentally step on it, its sting causes severe pain and can also cause infection.

dangerous exotic creatures, exotic creatures come out as the sea gets warmer, dangerous creatures, dangerous water mammals

Weaver fish. (Credit- Canva)

Speaking to the Daily Star, Anglesey Sea Zoo director Frankie Hobro said that these fish usually live deep inside the sea but as soon as the weather gets warmer, they come up. To avoid them, it is important to wear gum boots and be careful about your surroundings.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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