A feather of this bird was sold for Rs 23 lakh, made a world record, know why it cost so much?

You must have heard about the peacock feather. It has religious importance and many stories have been told about it in the scriptures. But today we are going to tell you about the feather of a bird whose small feather has been auctioned for Rs 23 lakh 66 thousand. Let us know what is so special about this bird that it has been priced so high.

According to BBC report, this feather belongs to the Huiya bird of New Zealand, which became extinct decades ago. The huaia bird was considered sacred to the Maori people. It was a small bird of the wattlebird family. Its wings were very beautiful, with white tips on their edges. Their feathers were often worn as headpieces by chiefs and their families. These people used to decorate the crown. It is even given as a gift. Because of this, its trade was also good.

Sold at 450 percent higher price
Recently, one of its feathers was auctioned in New Zealand. The auctioneer said, initially, it was expected to fetch a price of 3000 dollars. But breaking all the auction records, it was sold at a price 450 percent higher than the previous record. It was auctioned for 28,417 US dollars i.e. about 23 lakh 66 thousand rupees. According to the New Zealand Museum, the Huia bird was last seen in 1907. After that, unconfirmed reports of its sighting kept coming for twenty to thirty years. But now it is nowhere to be seen.

Only a few people had access to it
Leah Morris, head of decorative art at the auction house, said the feather was in amazing condition. Still its shine was different. There was no harm from the insects. It is framed in UV protective glass. Only museum people and those who had a license were allowed to see it. Such people cannot leave the country without the permission of the Culture Ministry. Morris said, we received a record number of applications for its auction. The people of New Zealand want to see what this feather, which had so much importance, looked like.

Tags: Amazing news, The news is coming, Weird news

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