Work Pressure: How It Can Destroy Your Health, Relationships, and Life all Together


Hey yea.. Raj Bhat back with another (long – healthy) article..

shortly: you cannot be too fat (>25%) and camouflage it as chubby, you are medically unhealthy .

This article is not completely from my mid info I have.. I had to consult one of my Doc Sister to get this chain of issue right… So the info in this article is totally legit and if you feel offended then you must look at your lifestyle and yourself and change it rather brew much hate or self satisfy unhealthy self as chubby! (both men and women).

There are many reasons and situations I faced/heard to write this article I would like to list them, so you know its the fact

  • Recent EY incident, girls su*ide  due to work pressure
  • Growing number of fat people around
  • Increased chemicals and sweeteners in day to day food
  • False propaganda by food companies about junk food
  • Nasty work culture
  • The girls that personally i see in matrimony website
  • Number of fat girls (unhealthy fat > 25% body fat) pose/think that they are healthy.
  • No proper guidance from parents to get / be healthy
  • No self realisation that they are unhealthy(never seem themself in mirror)

The constant strain from long work hours, tight deadlines, and demanding bosses can set off a chain reaction, leading to a complete breakdown in health, relationships, and even your ability to conceive. What seems like just work stress can spiral into a lifestyle that wreaks havoc on your body and mind, affecting every aspect of your life, from physical well-being to intimacy, pregnancy and loose your motherhood!.

Here’s how it happens.

1. The Root Cause: Work Pressure and Stress

It all starts with work pressure. You’re clocking in 12-14 hour days, often working from 9 AM to 11 PM, facing constant nagging from your managers. The stress becomes relentless, and suddenly, you’re not just mentally exhausted—you’re physically drained as well.

Chronic stress sets in, and with it, your body begins to overproduce cortisol, the stress hormone. Elevated cortisol may help you push through the day, but it has devastating consequences for your long-term health(no apatite/start eating loads of junk food, no exercise, or no sense of health hence no exercise…. Much more to follow below with solution to change)

2. Sleep Deprivation: The First Domino Falls

Long work hours inevitably cut into your sleep. But you spend time watching social media, gossiping, thinking about others and making your health as last sleep .. no recovery in body.. high inflammation.. high cortisol.. total hormone imbalance.

After months of averaging only five hours of sleep a night, your body is no longer getting the rest it needs to recover. Sleep deprivation wreaks havoc on your brain’s ability to regulate emotions, making you more prone to irritability and emotional outbursts.

You’re yelling at your partner for small things, constantly on edge, and feeling like you’re in a fog. This emotional volatility is the first sign that your work stress is seeping into your personal life.

3. Poor Diet and Junk Food: The Comfort Trap

There is sense of proper nutritious food in Indian culture, everything was in control and in healthy proportion until the western food had come in directly as French fries type or indirectly as seed oils or sweeteners..

When you’re stressed and tired, healthy eating takes a back seat. It’s easier to grab junk food loaded with seed oils, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners like sucralose and maltodextrin. While these foods are convenient, they are also dangerous.

The high sugar content causes spikes and crashes in your blood sugar, leading to mood swings and irritability. Even worse, these chemicals promote insulin resistance and increase inflammation, which directly disrupts your hormones.


4. Hormonal Imbalance: The Silent Saboteur | Especially for Girls 20-26.

As cortisol levels rise and poor diet becomes the norm, your body’s natural hormonal balance starts to shift. Excess fat  in thighs, back and upper body area, from poor eating habits begins producing extra estrogen, which disrupts your menstrual cycle and ovulation. Combined with elevated cortisol and insulin resistance, this leads to a cascade of issues:

  • Irregular periods and anovulation (no ovulation).
  • Decreased libido and reduced sexual satisfaction.
  • Oxidative stress damages egg quality, reducing fertility – technically loosing your motherly hood! ( don’t say there is technology now, first get yourself healthy. technology is for inability not for laziness)

Suddenly, what started as work stress is now affecting your reproductive health, mood, and energy levels.

5. Impact on Relationships: The Emotional Fallout

As your body struggles under the weight of hormonal imbalances, sleep deprivation, and poor nutrition, it also begins to strain your most intimate relationships.

You’re more irritable, emotional, and prone to lashing out. Emotional dysregulation caused by cortisol and lack of sleep makes it difficult to control your reactions, and the result is often anger or frustration directed at your partner. Over time, constant conflicts, blame, and misunderstandings erode emotional intimacy, creating distance in the relationship.

6. Fertility and Conception Struggles: The Long-Term Consequences

The combination of stress, poor diet, and lack of sleep has now infiltrated your reproductive system. Irregular ovulation, poor egg quality, and hormonal imbalances make it difficult to conceive. If conception does happen, the risks of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, and other complications are significantly higher due to the toll stress and poor health take on the body. What began as a work issue has now become a major fertility problem.

7. Pregnancy and Childbirth Complications

Even if you do manage to conceive, the journey is far from easy. Women who experience stress, poor diet, and hormonal imbalance face a higher risk of complications during pregnancy:

  • Pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and preterm birth.
  • Longer, more difficult labors due to excess weight and weakened muscle tone.
  • Increased likelihood of needing a C-section or facing challenges with fetal positioning during delivery.

The physical toll of years of stress and poor habits can make childbirth a more dangerous and difficult experience than it needs to be.

8. Postpartum Struggles: The Cycle Continues

Even after the baby is born, the stress doesn’t stop. Postpartum recovery becomes more difficult due to weakened health, leading to fatigue and complications. Poor nutrition and hormonal issues can also hinder breastfeeding and increase the risk of postpartum depression, affecting your ability to bond with the baby and further straining your relationship with your partner.

My Thoughts and Conclusion

A girl/women’s first priority is to be happy, healthy and then be a good wife later in life while being a mother for her children. not the modern tale of independent work class women.

Nature designed all types of male beings to fight and get things where female beings to nurture and raise. not the dissevers as humans do it.

I am now saying taking up job is bad or working is bad, please don’t put me in that bracket… personally I come from family where both my grandparents were lecturers and even my parents are they have been healthy, balancing family and work all together in a wise way with good natural Indian traditional habits.

What might seem like “just stress” from work can set off a chain reaction that disrupts your entire life—from your health to your ability to conceive, to your relationship with your partner.

The hidden domino effect of long work hours, sleep deprivation, and poor diet is more destructive than many realize. Recognizing the full scope of these impacts can be a wake-up call to revaluate how we handle work stress before it leads to irreversible consequences on our health and happiness.

Mind-opening takeaway: Your job might be costing you more than just your time—it’s taking away your health, relationships, and future.

So Girls/Ladies : First keep the natural traits of female as priority 1, workout / eat healthy, Meditate, join yoga class  then keep yourself healthy, then all the issues like PCOS, hormone imbalance everything will fade in no time… (learn to cook healthy food for your family 😜)

And Men, there is another article in my mind its about :how a bad fat unhealthy low testosterone non masculine men are indirectly destroying society. 

Shortly I tip you : Go to Gym/Do cardio/jog/work out, keep your testosterone high at peak, meditate and be a high value MAN.