Why is the planet Venus called hell in the Bible? Is it easy for creatures to live here, know interesting facts

Space is full of mysteries. As it is revealed, we are astounded. Two years ago, astronomers had claimed that they had found a gas in the atmosphere of Venus, which indicated the existence of life there. Then astronomers had expressed the possibility that there might be microscopic organisms floating in these clouds of Venus. Still, why is Venus called hell in the Bible? After all, what is there that has given this noun? Is it not easy for humans to live there? Let us know about this interesting fact…

According to a report published in Nature Astronomy, scientists believe that a gas called phosphine has been found in the atmosphere of Venus. It is found in places with low oxygen like swamps. Or it is produced in factories. One more thing, the microorganisms found in the stomach of animals like penguins are also produced due to this. But there are no factories on Venus, then how does this gas reach the 50 kilometer range in the atmosphere? Astronomers claim that there may be some penguin-like creatures there. But why was it called hell in the Bible?

If you even step on it, you will start boiling like water.
Actually, there is a thick layer of atmosphere on the planet Venus. The amount of carbon dioxide in it is quite high. Talking about atmospheric pressure, the atmospheric pressure on Venus is more than 90 times more than that on Earth. According to BBC report, carbon dioxide traps the sun’s heat, due to which the temperature on this planet exceeds 460 degrees Celsius. You should understand that if you even step there, you will start boiling like water. Same thing happens in hell also.

Sulfuric acid rain on Venus
According to astronomers, the matter does not end here. Sulfuric acid rain occurs on Venus. This is a chemical which burns the skin badly. Imagine if you go there for a walk and come out, first the temperature will burn you to ashes. Secondly, sulfuric acid rain will burn the skin. But the most surprising thing is that ice has also been found on this planet. But you cannot melt it and drink it like water. Actually, these are the remains formed due to the cooling of metals that evaporated due to the heat on Venus and turned into steam. Because of these difficult conditions this planet has been called hell.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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