Which is the most dangerous snake for humans? Question asked, know what answer was received

Snakes are one of the most poisonous creatures on earth. According to the report of the World Health Organization, every five minutes a person dies due to snake bite in some corner of the world. The threat of snakes has reduced due to deforestation, but they still remain the most deadly for living beings. But do you know which is the most dangerous snake for humans on earth? The same question was asked on the social media platform Quora. Let us know the correct answer.

Herpetologist Doug Sofranko says that it is difficult to choose the most dangerous snake for humans. Because they differ depending on the place. The poisonousness of a snake depends on many things. Like how much poison is there in it, it is measured on the standard of LD-50. Second, what is the size of the snake’s venom sac, that is, how much poison it can store. The more poison it has, the more it will be able to inject when bitten. Third, the length of the snake’s teeth. If the teeth are longer, they will go deeper and the poison will spread more quickly. Fourth and most important is aggression. How fast does the snake attack?

Western Taipan is the most poisonous
According to the LD-50 standard, inland or western taipan is considered to be the most poisonous snake, one drop of whose poison has the power to kill more than 100 humans. Its poison contains taitoxin, which blocks the nerves of the body. Paralyzes the muscles. A person cannot breathe, and death is certain in a moment. But it is found only in Australia. But you will be surprised to know that till date not a single person has died due to this.

Rattle snake has the most poison
The snake with the largest venom gland is the eastern diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus. It can store up to 10 ml of poison in its body at a time. But its poison is not powerful. The snake with the longest teeth is the Gaboon Viper, whose teeth can be up to 2 inches long. But it is found only in Africa. It is rare to come face to face with this.

King Cobra is at number two
If we talk about the most dangerous snakes for humans, the Black Mamba of Africa comes at the first place, the King Cobra of India comes at the second place and the Russell’s Viper i.e. Krait, found in India only, comes at the third place. King Cobra often bites humans, due to which many people die every year. Krait is known to attack fastest. If it bites, death may not occur, but life gets spoiled. Similarly, there is a snake named V. Ruselli, which is more poisonous than the cobra.

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