Where is the boiling river? The water temperature is 100 degrees, every creature that goes inside dies!

There are many strange things on earth, which are like a mystery for common people. Be it a river or a forest, a mountain or a living creature, our earth is full of strange things. There is one such strange river, whose water boils up to 100 degrees Celsius (Boiling River Peru). It is called the boiling river. Any living creature that goes into this river is sure to die! So the question arises that where is this boiling river on earth and how is its water boiling?

According to the report of Daily Star News website, YouTuber and traveler Jay Swingler Recently posted a video related to this river on his YouTube channel and told that when he went there, he prepared a pot noodle for himself. He poured boiling water of this river in the noodle pot and his noodle was ready in a blink of an eye. The name of this river is Shanay-timpishka which is a tributary of the Amazon River and flows in Peru.

The water boils
It is considered to be the only boiling water river in the world. According to the report of My Best Place website, the depth of this river is up to 6 meters and the width is up to 25 meters. It flows within the Amazon forests and its temperature ranges from 95 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius. According to the report, its water is so hot that it can kill any living creature. The most surprising thing is that there is no volcano near this river.

There are many beliefs about the river
Nowadays people come and camp near this river. The local people here believe that this water has the power to cure wounds and diseases. Because of this, people also consider it holy. When the water was tested, dead bodies of some creatures were also found in it. People believe that the reason behind its boiling water is hot springs, but no one can say this with certainty.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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