When the story of the rabbit and the tortoise came true! The boy made the two race, then the girl started dancing after seeing what happened


When you were young, you must have heard the story of the rabbit and the tortoise from your parents in school or at home. In this story, there is a race between the two. The rabbit is overconfident and thinks that he will defeat the tortoise in no time. At the same time, the tortoise remains focused to achieve its goal. In the middle of the race, the rabbit (Turtle rabbit race viral video) falls asleep thinking that the tortoise moves slowly, he will not be able to win, but the tortoise keeps moving and in the end it wins. Now this story has been proved true. Two children have made the race of the tortoise and the rabbit a reality.

Interesting videos related to animals are often posted on the Twitter account @AMAZlNGNATURE. Recently, one such video has been shared in which a boy and a girl are seen racing a turtle and a rabbit (Kids play with turtle rabbit race video). They have made a racing track with bricks for this race. In the middle, she is making the turtle and the rabbit run.