When a woman gets divorced, she goes out to travel the world and leaves her two children with her new husband! People troll her

Becoming parents may be a matter of happiness, but the life of the couple changes completely. Their lives change, time gets divided. They get less time for themselves. In such situations, many times parents give up their hobbies for the sake of the family. Sometimes women have to adjust more. In such a situation, if a mother thinks about herself, or starts fulfilling her hobbies, then people consider her wrong. They understand that he does not care about the children. Same thing happened with a woman from England (England woman solo traveling experience), when she wanted to fulfill her hobby of solo travelling.

According to the report of Daily Star News website, 37 year old Colleen Smith likes solo traveling (Solo traveling for girls) so much that even after becoming a mother, she continues this hobby. His father or family has no objection to this. Because of this, when she travels, her husband takes care of both the children. One child is 8 years old and the other is 5 years old.

England Woman Solo Traveling

The woman has two children. (Photo: Colleen Smith/WeRoad)

A woman travels the world alone
In the year 2022, she was divorced from the real father of the children, i.e. the woman’s first husband. Ever since the divorce, she has revived her old hobby and set out on solo travelling. Till now she has visited places like Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Peru etc. She has decided that she will not stop. She plans to also visit Chile and South Africa in 2024. For security, she will take the help of some group travel companies.

Don’t be affected by what others say
Colleen has a dog grooming business. She likes traveling by herself rather than with a safe group and it makes her feel independent. Her life has changed a lot in the last two years. After separating from her husband, she chose to travel. Ever since she was a child, she loved traveling around the world. She said that when she was young, people used to stop her by saying that she cannot travel alone because she is a girl. She loves her children very much, but on social media, people often troll her for leaving her children alone and going for a trip. She says that other women judge her, even make fun of her, but she wants to teach her children to be independent. She wants to make them responsible.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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