Were the bodies of ‘Aliens’ found again? The DNA test revealed something that baffled scientists!

Many stories are coming out all over the world about the existence of aliens. It is a different matter that till now no concrete evidence has been found whether aliens exist or not. For the first time, a scientist presented the dead bodies of two alleged aliens in front of the world and presented them in front of the Mexican Parliament. Scientists claim that these dead bodies of aliens have been recovered from Cusco, Peru. There is no consensus among scientists on this.

Mexican ufologist Jaime Mauson is calling these the bodies of aliens. He has been working on such incidents for a long time and his research on aliens has been quite extensive. However, another scientist named Christopher Heaney told the Daily Mail that he does not believe that these are aliens, rather he thinks that the skeletons are of humans.

DNA report is confusing
Jaime Mauson said that these mummies could be of a hybrid species formed by the combination of aliens and humans. He claims that during DNA testing, his team found 30% DNA in them which is unfamiliar. In the last 12 months, he has said many times that he has the bodies of aliens. He even reached the Mexican Parliament with these two bodies and is constantly fighting with the Culture Ministry of Peru. He is also fighting a legal battle with the Peruvian government regarding these mummies.

Mummies were found in Cusco
Scientists claim that these bodies were recovered from the debris of a UFO. This UFO crashed in Cusco, Peru. These bodies were buried here for centuries and slowly turned into fossils. Scientists have also analyzed its DNA evidence with the help of radiocarbon dating. It was found that it is more than a thousand years old.

FIRST PUBLISHED : June 20, 2024, 13:52 IST

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