Wanted to go viral by making a video, bought a phone worth lakhs, then tied it to his slippers and sat down doing such stupidity!

These days people are ready to do anything to go viral on social media. A woman makes a romantic video with her own son so that people watch it. Sometimes a young school going girl starts calling a man of her great grandfather’s age as her husband. Not only this, a person shares a video of marrying 4 girls at once, and sometimes an old man calls different women his wife in different videos. All this is done just to make the video viral. But many times in the process of making viral videos we cause harm to ourselves. The video of one such boy is going viral on social media.

In this viral video, you can see that a boy is holding an iPhone worth lakhs of rupees in his hands. He is planning to do something mischievous. First of all, he turns on the camera of his expensive mobile. After this, he opens his slippers and starts tying his expensive mobile in it. Then after this, he puts the mobile tied to the slippers in the flowing water. The mobile keeps moving forward with the flow of water. As soon as the mobile enters the drain below the road, the boy goes to the other side to catch it. But then the boy gets a strong shock. The slippers floating on the water reach the other side of the road, but his mobile falls somewhere in the middle. He jumps into the water and catches the slippers.

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