VIDEO: The house was on the 14th floor, the boys took the bike into the lift and parked it in the drawing room of the flat!

When two friends or brothers meet, then there is a lot of fun. Then they do such things that if anyone sees them, they get surprised. Recently two boys also did something similar. Their flat was on the 14th floor of the apartment (Boys take bike to 14th floor). They entered the lift to go there, but took their bike with them. Then while riding the bike in the lobby of the floor, they entered their flat and took the bike to the drawing room and parked it. Now this funny video of both of them is going viral.

Instagram user @iharshchaudharyy is a content creator who hails from Meerut. He has 1500 followers. Recently he posted a video which is going viral. In this video, he is seen travelling on a bike in the lift of his apartment (Boys ride bike on 14th floor of apartment). There is another boy with him who is probably his friend or brother. The viral video is probably from the winter days because both of them are wrapped in shawls and wearing caps.

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