VIDEO: The groom came sitting on a toy horse, the wedding procession kept dancing behind him, you will appreciate after knowing the reason

The wedding season is about to start again and you will soon see long wedding processions on the streets. One thing is common in marriage processions. That is the groom sitting on the mare. Although many grooms go in a car, it is considered a matter of great pride to sit on a mare. These days a video is going viral in which the groom (Groom sit on toy horse viral video) did something that started being talked about. In the video, the groom is seen carrying the wedding procession not on a real mare, but on a toy horse.

Strange videos are often posted on the Instagram account @imjustbesti. Recently, a video has been shared on this account in which a groom is sitting on a toy horse (Groom on toy horse video) and is taking the wedding procession. He is a Sikh person and his companions are also Sikhs, this shows that the wedding procession is of Sikhs. The funny thing is that the groom is seen walking on a toy horse.

groom sitting on a toy horse
In the video you can see that the groom is walking on a toy horse on the road. He is seen sitting on a small horse and walking on it with great enthusiasm. A man is moving forward with an umbrella over his head. The wedding guests are seen dancing behind. Then he is also seen roaming round and round sitting on the same horse. People are taking his photo and even laughing, but the groom is not bothered by this.

Video is going viral
The person has done this because he did not want to cause any harm to the real horse during the procession. He has done this to raise his voice against animal cruelty. This video has received more than 30 lakh views while many people have given their feedback by commenting. One said that this man is a legend. While one said that the respect for this groom increased even more. One said that it is better to do this than torturing animals.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, viral video, Weird news

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