VIDEO: People were surprised to see yellow ribbons outside houses, when they found out the reason, everyone praised them!


Human beings are social animals. Because of this, they stay connected with their neighbours as well, they are interested in the events happening in their lives and when their neighbours are in need, they help them. This is humanity as well as neighbourly religion. But in Ireland, there is a different way of following this neighbourly religion, which is attracting people a lot. These days, a video of an area in Ireland is going viral, in which yellow ribbons are seen outside every house. At first, people were quite surprised to see this video (Yellow ribbon on house), but when they came to know the reason behind it, they could not stop praising this tradition followed by the neighbours.

The Instagram account @goodnews_movement is famous for its positive and heartwarming videos. Recently a video has been posted on this account which shows a neighborhood in Ireland (Ireland yellow ribbon viral video). This video has been recorded by a content creator named Eadaoin Fitzmaurice. He also explained the reason behind putting the ribbon along with the video, which is mentioned in this post.