Video made after climbing the peak of Everest, this deadly mountain looks like this from above, your breath will stop as soon as you see it

Climbing Mount Everest is one of the most difficult climbs in the world. Many mountaineers come every year to conquer these snow covered peaks. Some succeed in their objective while others stop their climb midway and return back. There are many people who are no longer in the world because of this effort. A few days ago we told you why Mount Everest is called the world’s highest cemetery? The bodies of many climbers are still buried inside it.

Many videos related to Mount Everest are shared on social media. Climbing it and conquering its peak is like fulfilling a dream. But have you ever wondered what kind of view the people who climb to its peak see from there? A video was shared on social media. It shows what the view looks like when looking down from the top of Mount Everest.

A video made on a whim
A video of this was shared on social media site Instagram. In this many people were seen standing on the peak of Everest. He had also buried his flag there. With the help of a drone, he went to a height and made a video of it from the height. Many people started feeling nervous just by watching this video. In such a situation, just think about those who stand at this height and watch this scene live.

people started breathing heavy
This video was posted on social media by a mountaineer. He himself has conquered the peak of Mount Everest. He wrote that many people ask him only one question, how did he feel after climbing the peak? It is in the video. When a climber completes this climb, it feels as if he has won a war. This moment is of great happiness and pride.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, The news is coming, Weird news

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