Video: Lions hunted together, started fighting over dinner, then the buffalo survived with this ‘tak’!


Panchtantra stories often contain life lessons. In one story, a father, troubled by the quarrels between his five sons, advises them to stay united, after which they become strong. Whereas, being separate, they proved to be weak. A similar scene can be seen in the video going viral on social media. Actually, the lions together hunted a big buffalo. They attacked the buffalo from all sides and brought it down. The buffalo had also surrendered. But then the lions fought so much for dinner that the buffalo survived. It easily went away from the clutches of the lions. But the lions did not even get a chance to catch the prey in the fight.

In this viral video, you can see that the lions have together captured a buffalo. The buffalo has also assumed that it is dead. It has become absolutely silent. The herd of buffaloes was just watching this spectacle from a distance. Then the lions started fighting among themselves to eat the hunted buffalo. They were hell-bent on killing each other. The lions had completely diverted their attention from the buffalo. Then the half-dead buffalo suddenly got up from there and slowly started moving towards its herd. The lions kept fighting among themselves instead of capturing it again. On the other hand, as soon as the buffalo went near its herd, it started running with double the strength. It had realized that if it wanted to survive, it would have to run.