Varanasi Range DIG held review meeting regarding new Criminal law in Ghazipur ann | DIG Varanasi told the officers

Ghazipur News: New laws are to be implemented in the country from July 1. The police is completely on alert mode regarding the new law. Recently Lok Sabha Elections Elections have been held and many things were said about the constitution during the elections. The government and the police are completely alert so that there is no misunderstanding in the minds of the people about the new laws.

The police is being continuously trained on the new laws that are being implemented. Along with this, policemen are also being trained to coordinate with the public and inform them about these laws. On Saturday (15 June 2024), DIG Varanasi Range Omprakash Singh held a review meeting with police officers in Ghazipur in this sequence and gave them necessary instructions.

Necessary instructions given to police officers
The DIG spoke to the media after the review meeting and said that the police was busy in the elections for a long time and a review meeting was held to gear up the police again and to improve policing. He said that to improve policing, it is most important that the common people get justice at the police station level and they do not have to run around the officers. Instructions were given to settle 100% of the complaints of the complainants coming to the police station.

He further said that new laws are to be implemented in the country from July 1. Policemen are being continuously trained about these laws. Even today, they have been instructed to coordinate with the common people and give them correct information about these laws. The purpose of these laws is to have maximum convictions in the cases and to punish the accused. The DIG talked about the review of Dial 112 at the top level and said that police officers should review every complaint and ensure proper redressal of every complaint.

(Report by Ashutosh Tripathi from Ghazipur)

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