US Presidential Election Joe Biden and Trump clash in first presidential debate updates in Hindi – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

US presidential Election Joe Biden and Trump Clash in First Presidential Debate Updates in Hindi

biden vs trump
– Photo : Amar Ujala


The first debate took place between President and Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden and former President and Republican Party candidate Donald Trump for the upcoming US presidential election to be held on November 5. The whole world along with America was watching this debate. In this debate, Biden was seen trying to convince voters that even at the age of 81, he is capable of becoming the President of the United States again and rescuing the country from challenges, while 78-year-old Trump used this opportunity to convince people to look beyond his conviction in the criminal case and look at his plans for the country, which also includes the economy. However, there was a lot of heat during the first debate and during this time both of them also used indecent language against each other.

Trump overshadowed Biden in the first half hour

This debate between the two leaders is taking place at the headquarters of a media channel in Atlanta. According to media reports, Trump and Biden debated the economy in their initial conversation, in which both leaders attacked each other over inflation, jobs and tax policy. Reports say that Biden appeared a little nervous in the first half hour of the debate, while Trump was full of energy, but he also resorted to lies in his answers. Trump denied his role in the uproar in the Capitol and also refused to accept the behavior of those convicted in the riot as dangerous.

Trump cornered Biden over his son

During the debate, Joe Biden blamed Trump for the Capitol Hill riots and said that this person (Trump) is guilty. He did nothing to stop the Capitol Hill violence. Will he condemn those who attacked Capitol Hill? In response, Trump said, ‘Your son is a culprit. Whatever work Joe Biden has done as President, he can also be blamed for that. This person is a criminal. I have done nothing wrong.’ Trump targeted Biden over the Ukraine war and said, ‘If he were the President, the Ukraine war would never have started.’

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