US Presidential Debate joe biden and donald trump first time face to face Trump blames Biden for Russia-Ukraine war

US Presidential Debate Presidential elections are going to be held in the US in November. Before the elections, the debate between US President Joe Biden and Donald Trump started on Friday (28 June). Both leaders are seen dominating each other. Both the leaders did not even shake hands before the debate at CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta. They just started arguing with each other while standing at a distance. Trump is cornering President Biden over the Israel-Hamas war. Trump also expressed doubts about NATO during the debate. On the issue of immigrants, he said that we will have to throw out a lot of these people.

When Trump was asked whether these include those who have been living in America for a long time and how he will fulfill this promise, Trump replied that Joe Biden’s immigration policy and open border approach have played a role in increasing crime rates across the country, so most of the immigrants living in the country will have to be thrown out because they are going to destroy our country. Let us tell you that the biggest issues in this debate are illegal immigrants, abortion, Israel-Hamas war, Russia-Ukraine war, Russia-China relations, gun violence, tax, inflation, unemployment, climate change. Both the leaders are trying to prove themselves the best by debating on these issues.

Biden blamed for the Russia-Ukraine war
Reacting to the allegations of increase in crime, Biden called it false. President Joe Biden also mentioned a controversial incident of Trump’s presidency and said that the former president had allegedly called the martyred American soldiers losers and idiots. Trump claimed that Biden’s allegation is fabricated. He said that no one has taken better care of our soldiers except me. Trump put Biden in the dock on the issue of Ukraine Russia and alleged that Biden is responsible for the infiltration of Russian army in Ukraine. Joe Biden said that I have never heard so much nonsense in my life.

‘Trump gave Putin a free hand on Ukraine’
President Joe Biden defended Middle East and Afghanistan policies and claimed Trump gave Putin a free hand on Ukraine. Trump immediately responded, saying I never said that.

Trump surrounded by the issue of porn star
Joe Biden also raised the issue of Trump’s criminal conviction. Biden also questioned Trump’s character. He also mentioned adult film star Stormy Daniels. Trump was seen cornered on this.

Biden’s tongue faltered in the debate
Questions always arise about Biden’s health, which Trump also raises. Today, even in the debate, his voice seemed shaky. He called billionaires trillionaires. Arguing that the rich should pay more tax, he seemed unable to complete his sentence.

There was a heated debate on the Israel-Palestine war
When Biden was asked what strategy he would use to end the war between Hamas and Israel, Biden said that he is not ready to end the war at all. The President reiterated his unwavering support for Israel and asked Hamas to end the war. In response to a question, Trump said that Israel should finish the job. Trump reiterated his concerns about US support for Ukraine and said that European countries have given less economic help than the United States. At the same time, Donald Trump called the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan the most shameful day in the history of America. On which Biden appeared silent.

Questions were also raised about each other’s abilities
When Biden was asked that in the second term, you will be 86 years old, Biden said that Trump is only 3 years younger than me and less qualified than me. You see the record of what he left for me and how much I have changed. When Trump was questioned about his age, the 78-year-old former president said that my health is very good. I play golf, but Biden cannot do that. He cannot send the ball even 50 yards. Trump claimed that I feel as fit as I was 25 to 30 years ago. Biden jokingly said that if Trump carries the bag himself, I will be happy to play golf.

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