UK got a heatwave warning of 26 C, people in India said, we keep the temperature of AC at this much…

In India, anything above 40 degrees Celsius is considered too hot. But there are many countries in the world where if the temperature is more than 25 degrees, it is considered to be extreme heat. Recently, it is in the news because of the announcement of the Meteorological Department of Britain that a heatwave alert has been announced there as the temperature will reach 26 degrees Celsius by the end of June. People of India have given funny reactions on social media on this warning. Because here many people set the temperature of AC to 26 degrees Celsius.

According to UK’s The Mirror, there will be a heatwave for the next two days. The post shared on X (formerly Twitter) read “UK will experience a 48-hour heatwave of 26 degrees Celsius, with five cities in England being the hottest,”. The post also shared a link to the report. But the post went viral immediately and many people from India commented on it.

One user wrote that Mumbai is cold for us at 29 degrees. Another user said, “26 degrees is a very normal temperature in India.” An Indian said, “My AC is currently set to UK heatwave level!” Another said, “Everyone in North India is laughing.” A user asked a funny question, “…how did these people come to our country and rule over us in our weather?”

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Many people in India are wondering how a heatwave can occur at 26 degrees. (Photo:

While another user tried to explain the difference between the two countries and said, “26 degrees Celsius in northern countries is very different from 26 degrees Celsius in tropical countries.” A girl tried to draw people’s attention to humidity, she commented, “You have to understand that humidity is also something that can make even 26 degrees unbearable…”

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At present, some parts of India are battling with severe heat, while in many places the monsoon has arrived. At many places in North India, the humid heat has subsided due to rain, while in some places there is a slight temporary relief. But Delhi and its surrounding areas are still facing intense heat and have been waiting for relief for many days.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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