Ujjain Mahakal: Baba Mahakal gave darshan in the form of goddess during Bhasma Aarti – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Ujjain Mahakal: Baba Mahakal gave darshan in the form of goddess during Bhasma Aarti

Divine form of Baba Mahakal.
– Photo : Amar Ujala


In the world famous Shri Mahakaleshwar temple, on Friday, on the Saptami date of the Krishna Paksha of Ashadh, during the Bhasma Aarti in the early morning, as soon as the temple doors opened at 4 am, the Pandit priest worshipped all the idols of the gods installed in the sanctum sanctorum and performed the Jalabhishek of Lord Mahakal with milk, curd, ghee, sugar, Panchamrit and fruit juice.

After this, the first bell was rung and water of Hari Om was offered. After camphor aarti, Baba Mahakal was made to wear a new crown. The special thing about today’s decoration was that today on the Saptami Tithi of Ashadha Krishna Paksha and Friday, Baba Mahakal was decorated in the form of a Goddess in the Bhasma Aarti. During the decoration, a bindi was put on the forehead, a nose ring and a necklace around the neck. After this, ashes were offered to Lord Mahakal on behalf of Mahanirvani Akhara. During this, thousands of devotees took the benefit of the divine darshan of Baba Mahakal. The entire temple premises reverberated with the echo of Jai Shri Mahakal.

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