Udaipur Blast in a gun shop owner body jumped 30 feet in the air and hit the building ANN

Udaipur Blast in Gun Shop: A major incident took place in the subsidy centre of Udaipur city. A blast took place in the shop of Rajendra Devpura & Company, which is an arms dealer located here. The blast was so horrific that the body of Rajendra, who was standing on the first floor, flew out of the window and hit the door of the building in front 30 feet away. An eyewitness present at the spot has given this information about the incident.

After the blast, the shop owner Rajendra and his fellow worker died after falling to such a height. Many officers including IG Ajay Pal Lamba, SP Yogesh Goyal reached the spot. However, the reason for the blast has not been revealed yet.

update in progress…

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