Tinder Share My Date Feature Helps Sharing Details With Friends Family For Safety Concerns

Tinder has recently launched a new feature called ‘Share My Date’. The feature allows users to share information about their upcoming dates with friends and family, so that they can keep an eye on the user for safety. In this feature, before the date, users can enter their date plans, such as location, time and name of the person going with them in the ‘Share My Date’ feature. This gives users the option to choose with whom they want to share their date plans, such as just friends, just family, or everyone. Let us know about this feature in detail and tell you how to use it.

The Tinder ‘Share My Date’ feature is finally now live on the platform. The feature is useful in terms of safety, as it allows users to share their date information with their friends or family members. Through this you can ensure the safety of your close ones, if they share their date information with you. The feature could make dating safer, especially for women. It can make users feel more confident and comfortable while going on a date. However, this can only be useful if the user going on a date shares the date details with their close ones.

According to Tinder, about 51 percent of users under 30 already share date information with their friends, while 19 percent share this information with their mothers. The new feature generates a single link that includes the date, time, location and photograph of the person the user is meeting as well as a link to their profile. Not only this, users can also add personal notes to this shared link.

There is no limit on sharing the link in this. Depending on the platform, links to date details can be scheduled up to 30 days in advance. Certainly, this can prove to be useful for those users who have plans for several dates simultaneously.

Users can also edit their date plan after sharing, ensuring anyone who has access to the link can get the latest details. This can be very useful when the meeting place or time suddenly changes after sharing the link. After the date ends, the shared link automatically closes.

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