This snake is the friend of farmers, the bodyguard of crops, it eats 25 thousand rats in its entire life, there are many misconceptions


Palamu: Nature takes on a new form as soon as the rainy season arrives. Many problems also come in this season. The risk of snakebite increases in this season. In this season, the danger increases for snakes along with humans. There are so many misconceptions among people that people kill non-poisonous snakes along with poisonous ones. But that snake acts as a protection in a way.

Cobra, Krait and Bahira snakes are found in Palamu district of Jharkhand. These are poisonous. Cobra and Krait are called neurotoxins. Bahira snake is called Russell’s viper. Apart from this, no snake found in this area is poisonous. Despite this, these snakes are killed. People kill them thinking they are poisonous. One of these snakes is Dhaman snake. Which is like a friend of farmers.

Dhaman is a rat snake, eats 25 thousand rats
Actually, Dhaman is called a rat snake. Which eats 25 thousand rats in its lifetime. Expert Dr. D.S. Srivastava told Local 18 that many misconceptions are spread about this snake. One of which is that Dhaman snake drinks cow’s milk after filtering it. But this is only a misconception. Just because humans like milk, it does not mean that snakes also like milk. Along with this, the chemical that is needed to digest milk. Snakes do not have that chemical.

Further, he told that most of the misconceptions have been spread about snakes. Snakes can never drink milk after filtering it. Because tongue, palate and cheeks are required to drink milk after filtering it. Snakes do not have cheeks. Their tongue is also divided into two parts. That is why they cannot drink milk by holding the udder. Snakes are found at the place where cows and bulls are tied because rats are hidden near the fodder available for the cows. Snakes reach there after which.

Dhaman is a friend of farmers
Expert further said that Dhaman is no less than a boon for farmers. Dhaman eats 25 thousand rats in its lifetime. Due to which the crop is saved from damage. If you kill one Dhaman, then you free the lives of 25 thousand rats. Which can be very harmful for the farmers. You free 25 thousand rats and their increasing number. Due to which there can be huge damage to the crop. That is why Dhaman should never be killed.

Tags: Agriculture, Amazing news amazing news, Jharkhand news, Local18, Palamu news