This road tests your driving, it looks like a ‘giant snake’ crawling on the mountain, the turns are very dangerous!

Irohazaka Winding Road, Japan: Irohazaka Winding Road is very famous in Japan, whose aerial view looks like a ‘giant snake’ crawling on the mountain. This road tests your driving very well, because it has so many turns that it takes a lot of effort to turn the car, many of which are considered very dangerous. Despite this, due to its natural beauty this road is a favorite driving spot for many people.

How many turns are there on the road?: According to the report of, Irohazaka is a pair of winding roads in Japan, which connect the low plains of Nikko in Tochigi Prefecture with the mountainous Okunikko area. These winding roads were named Irohazaka because they have a total of 48 hairpin turns.

See here- Irohazaka Winding Road Viral Image

Each turn is labeled with one of the 48 characters of the Japanese alphabet. Although the narrow road has been modernized over the years, care has been taken to keep the number of turns constant.

See here- Irohazaka Winding Road Viral Video

How many roads are included in Irohazaka?

Irohazaka consists of two roads, the ‘Old Road’ built in 1954 leading down from Lake Chūzenji to Nikko, while the ‘New Road’ built in 1965. Earlier toll was charged on these roads, but later they were made toll free. Today the old road is open to traffic only downstream. There is a stop point in the middle, where people stop to see the two waterfalls.

At the same time, the new road is open only for upward traffic, which runs till Akechidaira Plateau. However, this road passes through mountains covered with lush green trees, making driving here a different pleasure. Some people cite this road as their favorite place to drive.

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