This area was once the pride of space launching, now it is no less than hell in the scorching desert, a death drew attention

Time changes the fate of not only humans but also famous places. An example of this is the Baikonur Cosmodrome Spaceport in Kazakhstan, once upon a time it used to be the famous space port of the Soviet Union. But recently, horrific pictures of the abandoned cosmodrome have surfaced. On June 11, a 25-year-old man died while trying to walk to the same Baikonur Cosmodrome Spaceport located in the middle of the scorching heat of the desert. This incident has once again brought this cosmodrome in the headlines in the world, most of which has been abandoned.

According to Russia’s RIA news service, a second 27-year-old man who was travelling with the deceased is said to be in custody. Authorities later revealed that two French boys were passing near the cosmodrome. One of them fell ill. He tragically died, while his companion ran to a security checkpoint at Baikonur for help. An investigation into the incident has been launched by Russian authorities.

Despite being nestled deep in the desert steppe of Kazakhstan, the cosmodrome is leased by Russia and heavily guarded by security guards from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is only accessible to the public through pre-booked tours, which give them a chance to watch spacecraft launches.

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Most of this cosmodrome is no longer in use. Only tourists are allowed to visit it occasionally. (Photo: Reddit_ r/analog)

The Baikonur Cosmodrome is the historic site from where both Sputnik 1 and Vostok 1 were launched. Sputnik was the first man-made Earth satellite, while Vostok carried Russian Yuri Gagarin in 1961 in what is considered the first manned space flight. Now, two shuttles from the Buran space program are left gathering dust at the facility. One a test shuttle and the other was never used after the space program ended in 1993.

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The massive Cold War-era facility is located deep in the Kazakhstan desert. It is more than 20 miles from the nearest village, after which the spaceport is named. It is still frequently visited by adventurers eager to find the Soviet-era spacecraft.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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