They fed Maggi after saying ‘come to the wedding party’, the well-dressed guests fainted on seeing the plate! Relatives are not tired of cursing them


In a wedding, the one thing that most people eagerly wait for, apart from dressing up and dancing and singing, is the wedding feast. The best food is served in different functions, which the guests also eat with great gusto. Imagine if instead of the feast, you are served two-minute Maggi, what would be your reaction?

You must have seen people going to the wedding feast very happily. Sometimes it also happens that if they don’t get their favourite food, then people create a ruckus during the wedding itself. However, there was a wedding where the bride and groom fed Maggi to the guests in the name of feast. A guest who came to the wedding told about this incident on social media.

Maggi was served as a wedding feast
A guest who attended the wedding has narrated this interesting story on Reddit. He has told that the guests were invited for dinner. When the time for the feast came, everyone was given packets of instant noodles i.e. Maggi and chips. Even more interesting was that the wedding card asked – ‘Will you eat chicken or fish’? The person also told that he did not eat anything before going to his home thinking that he would get good food there, but he was shocked to see the feast of noodles and chips at his friend’s wedding.

‘Come well dressed, you will get food of your choice’
Not only this, the person wrote that a special dress code was kept for him in the wedding and he was asked about his food choices. It is a different matter that the food arrangements there spoiled his entire mood. The guests and relatives got even more angry after knowing that both the bride and groom earn well, yet they served Maggi in the wedding feast. It is good not to spend wastefully in a wedding, but the creativity shown in the name of savings has spoiled people’s minds.

Tags: Amazing news, Viral news, Weird news