There-is-a-horror-building-between-Mira-Road-and-Dahisar-this-new-building-has-been-lying-in-ruins-for-26-years-there-is-also-a- sound-of-someone-crying-at-night. – News18 Hindi


Mumbai:- Mumbai, the city of dreams, where there is never night. This city which never stops. There is a place in this city, which people sitting in the train get scared just by seeing from a distance. Forget about going there, people’s breath stops just by hearing the story of this place. There are many such buildings in Mumbai, which come in the list of dangerous places. The name of one such building is Hiranandani Tower. It is situated between two areas, Dahisar and Mira Road. Many children grew up listening to the stories of this building, but even today they are scared by seeing this building from a distance.

How did this new building become a haunted building
The construction of this building started 26 years ago. The construction work was almost completed, but that very night two workers working there, who were a husband and wife, died after falling from the fifth floor. After that, more deaths occurred there. People living nearby say that they hear sounds of someone crying and screaming at night. It has been more than 26 years since the construction work of the building stopped. Now this building is nothing but a ruin and one of the top horror places in Mumbai.

Children have been listening to the story of this building since childhood
Avinash Saroj, who lives in Dahisar, tells Local 18 that he has been hearing the story of this haunted building for many years. Everyone from Dahisar to Virar knows the haunted story of this building. People do not go near the ID building even during the day, let alone going there at night. Every child here knows about this building and stays away from it. The owner of this property has hired watchmen, but even he has never dared to step inside the building after dusk.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Local18, mumbai news