The woman’s death was announced, preparations for the funeral were being made, then a miracle happened, everyone was surprised


If the doctors declare that a person’s brain has died, the world assumes that the person is dead or only the formalities of death are remaining. But in a unique medical case, it was as if a miracle happened. In this, the doctors had declared her brain dead and preparations for her funeral had also begun, but suddenly a miracle happened and 32-year-old Emma Price became alive.

Price, from Pitsea, Essex, suffered extensive brain damage after attempting to take her own life. Last week doctors told Emma’s family she was brain dead and had little chance of recovery. They prepared to turn off her life support on Monday and have started planning her funeral.

But Emma opened her eyes a few hours before life support was switched off. Emma can now communicate through head movements and small facial expressions. She can also breathe without a ventilator for more than half an hour at a time.

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Doctors said that most of the woman’s brain was useless. (Symbolic picture: Shutterstock)

Her mother Samantha Day told MyLondon: “I can’t really explain it, I’ve never cried so much in my life. We are so happy she has woken up. “We were planning her funeral and getting ready to say goodbye to her on Monday. “But then she opened her eyes and we all started crying again, but this time they were tears of joy.

“She is finally on the long road to recovery. It is nothing short of a miracle.” Samantha, 56, said doctors were amazed at Emma’s progress, as much of her brain had been damaged.

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The family has raised more than 485,000 rupees to cover the costs of Emma’s care. Writing on the GoFundMe page, her brother Thomas said, “My sister Emma Price is recovering which is amazing. But she still needs a lot of support from everyone.”

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