The woman started coughing violently, suddenly she felt pain in her stomach and felt a very strong urge, her intestines came out, she lost her senses!


Sometimes a small incident becomes the cause of a big accident. This happened with a woman when she just had a cough. But what happened to her was something that perhaps no one would have expected. The cough put such pressure on her stomach that her intestines burst and came out of her stomach. The 52-year-old woman was suffering from Covid when several inches of her intestine came out of her left side. Doctors say that her condition was a very rare condition. But now the woman has recovered and reached home.

The woman had an incision in her abdomen due to a previous surgery, which got infected a few days before the horrific incident. 13 years ago, she had undergone an operation to repair a ventral hernia, in which the internal parts of the body were pushed back inside. The patient contracted coronavirus and started coughing repeatedly. Due to this, she developed a lot of pressure from coughing and her intestines ruptured along with the rupture of the old incision.

She was rushed to the hospital, where she was revived, given antibiotics and her wound was washed. Then the doctors cleaned out her intestines, put them back inside her body and closed the skin again. But to prevent it from tearing again, they put several very strong stitches through the abdominal fat and several layers of skin.

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The intestines had come out due to pressure as the stitches on the right side of the stomach had burst. (Symbolic picture: Canva)

Writing in the Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, doctors said it was a “rare” complication. The woman’s surgery was successful and she was discharged home from hospital six days later in “stable condition”. “To our knowledge, this is the first case of bowel prolapse due to an exacerbation of COVID-19 infection,” said the authors, from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Also read: The woman was having a severe headache, The doctor said, ‘Go home and rest, Then what happened, He had not expected

Abdominal prolapse, also known as disembowelment, is a rare but serious complication of surgery. It occurs when a patient’s internal organs protrude from the incision due to the wound not healing properly. According to one study, it occurs in three out of 100 people who undergo abdominal and pelvic surgery.

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