The pub named the beer after a notorious terrorist, which caused such a stir that the website crashed and mobile phones had to be switched off!

In India, names of film stars can be seen on the shops selling liquor, especially sugarcane juice. Every small or big glass is named after a film star. In many restaurants around the world, people name dishes and sometimes even some drinks after famous personalities. In this context, a bar in Britain has recently shown the unique courage of naming a beer after Osama bin Laden, one of the world’s most dreaded terrorists. Surprisingly, this name of the beer attracted a large number of customers,

People started enquiring so much about this beer that the brewing company had to shut down its website and shut down mobile phones for some time. According to reports, Mitchell Brewing Company named the beer ‘Osama Bin Lager’ and called it their most popular product.

According to the website, the beer is a ‘light refreshing lager with a hint of citrus’. One of the main attractions is the design of the bottle. Its label features a cartoon caricature of the Al Qaeda leader, who was killed in 2011. The brewery and pub are owned by a couple named Luke and Katherine Mitchell.

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