The person’s face got burnt after eating the fruit! The skin got scorched, do you also eat this fruit?

Whenever we go on a trip to a new place, we want to explore that place in every way. From seeing the famous tourist spots to eating the famous dishes. But seeing the tourist spots is one thing, and eating the dishes is another… that is because the dishes can harm the body when they enter our stomach. Many times we are not used to eating those things, so we do not know how the food items available in other places will affect our body. A British traveler also made the same mistake. He went to Mexico, but he ate a fruit there. What happened next was that his face got burnt as if he was burnt in fire! Do you also not eat this fruit?

According to the report of the New York Post website, 28-year-old construction worker Thomas Harold Watson from Bedfordshire has visited more than 60 countries. When he visits new places, he definitely eats the famous dishes and roadside delicacies of those places. But this habit of his created problems for him in Mexico.

britain man eat cashew apple fruit

It took a few days for his wounds to heal. (Photo: Thomas Harold Watson/SWNS)

The man ate cashew fruit
He was in the city of Campeche, Mexico on May 1. He was roaming in a local market when his eyes fell on a vendor who was selling cashew apples. Cashews are extracted from inside it and after processing, people can eat it.

britain man eat cashew apple fruit

The man was in a bad condition after eating this fruit. (Photo: Canva)

Thomas says that he had heard that this fruit can be eaten easily. He just thought that he would try it once. He said that he was aware that the fruit can be eaten, but he had never tried it.

Mouth burn due to acid
When he took the first bite, he felt pain. He thought he would break it by biting it with his teeth and take out the cashewnut from inside and eat it. As soon as he bit the fruit with his teeth, its sac burst, and its juice went inside his mouth. He immediately felt as if someone had put burning coal around and inside his mouth. When he woke up the next day, his face was burnt. He understood that the fruit must have strong acid, which burnt his face. When the acid fell on his lips, he felt as if the lips had been cut apart. The color of his hand also faded. According to the report, the cashew fruit contains cardal and anacardic acid, which can burn the skin. Stay connected to News18 Hindi to read such shocking news.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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