The most beautiful picture of Earth taken from space, captured for the first time from 360 degree angle, also watch video

You must have seen many beautiful pictures of the Earth from space, but the Earth is not completely visible in any photo. Because no such picture was taken. For the first time, a picture of the Earth has been captured from a 360 degree angle, it is being described as the most beautiful picture of the Earth. It is so adorable that you too will become giddy after seeing it.

According to the report of The Sun, on January 16 this year, Chinese technology company Insta360 installed a camera on a satellite and sent it into space. The pictures of the Earth taken by this camera are amazing. Among the pictures captured from a distance of 300 miles from the Earth, there is one in which our Earth is visible from all sides. That means 360 degrees. According to the company, this camera is very special and is capturing 360 degree pictures of stars and galaxy.

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These pictures were taken by the camera of Chinese technology company Insta360. (Photo_X_@insta360)

circling the green earth
In the picture of the Earth that has surfaced, the satellite is seen revolving around the green earth. You must have seen the pictures and videos of Mars taken by NASA. In which a satellite is seen revolving around Mars. You will see the same thing in this picture also. After all, how was this possible, because there is almost no light there. In response, the company said that the light show on Earth is caused by a magnetic field created by energetic particles.

Camera opened in space for the first time
Insta360 claims that for the first time an open camera is working in space. This has never happened before. Achieving this achievement was also not easy. For this it was necessary to control many types of obstacles. The camera had to be protected from extreme heat and cold during the rocket launch. Apart from this, problems like cosmic radiation and intense vibration also arose. These too had to be faced. To overcome these obstacles, changes were made in the camera. It took more than 12 months. This mission depends more on luck than technology. Because any obstacle can come in the path of the satellite. It has no backup hardware or software. However, fortunately both cameras and sensors are still fully functional and are sending incredible images of outer space.

Tags: amazing news, OMG News, Shocking news, space news, Trending news in hindi, Viral on Internet

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