The land was being excavated, when something was seen that stunned the scientists, millions of years old secret was revealed!

You must be aware of how mysterious our world is. But the ancient mystery of the world is not above the earth, but below the earth. Even today, scientists sometimes find millions of years old mysteries that teach us new things about life. Recently, scientists (Scientists found 4 crore year old creature) have found the remains of a creature that lived about 4 crore years ago. These creatures lived under water even before the dinosaurs and their size was quite large.

Namibia 4 crore year old creature

The face of this creature was as flat as a toilet seat. (Photo: Roger MH Smith)

According to the report of The Sun website, scientists have found the skeleton of an ancient creature in Namibia (Namibia 4 crore year old creature). Scientists have named this creature ‘Gaiasia jennyae’, which was named after the Guy-S Formation place where it was found and also named after Jenny Clack scientist who discovered it. Scientists have found the skull and spine of this creature which is still preserved.

Namibia 4 crore year old creature

It was a tetrapod creature. (Photo: C. Marsicano)

The creature lived 40 million years ago
This salamander-like worm was considered the most dangerous predator during the Ice Age, which would pull its prey into its mouth and then swallow them. The creature’s skull was 2 feet long and its head was as big and flat as a toilet seat. This creature was found in lakes or marshy areas 40 million years ago. Postdoctoral fellow Jason Pardo of the Field Museum, Chicago, has given this information. The front part of the head of this creature had only teeth and it also had fangs. Scientists believe that it was a very big predator but was very slow in its speed.

Tetrapod wasps
Claudia Marcicano of the University of Buenos Aires says that when she found the skeleton of the creature, she immediately understood that it was something very different and unique. When she studied the skull, she was surprised to see its front part. She saw interlocking fangs (poisonous teeth) which made her understand that these were creatures of the ancient tetrapod species. Tetrapods were creatures that had a backbone and were four-legged but belonged to the fish species. Reptiles, birds, mammals and amphibians were formed from them.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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