The ground was excavated, the face of a terrifying creature was seen inside, as soon as it was pulled out, people started running away in fear!

You must have often seen such videos on social media in which digging is done somewhere and then some valuable thing comes out from inside. But have you ever seen a living scary creature coming out during the digging? Recently a shocking video is going viral, in which digging is being done at a place and then the head of a very scary creature…a crocodile (Crocodiles found under floor viral video) is seen coming out from inside. The surprising thing is that it is a live crocodile. But as soon as the crocodile is pulled out, a scary incident happens after that, due to which people start running away in fear.

Surprising videos are often posted on the Twitter account @crazyclipsonly. Recently, one such video has been shared, in which a ground is seen being excavated (Crocodiles comes out during excavation video). But as soon as the ground is broken, a crocodile’s face is seen from inside. People are holding hammers and sticks in their hands, with which they dug the ground. People also have ropes in their hands. It seems that they had an idea that there is a crocodile there.

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