The father took his 2-year-old daughter for a walk, never returned home, the mother kept waiting for him, they met after 17 years!

A mother can never be separated from her children. If someone even casts an evil eye on them, the mother can gouge out his eyes. But when the father of the child betrays his wife or the mother of that child, then what can the mother do! A strange experience like this happened with a woman from Ireland, which left her shattered. A father took his 2-year-old daughter (Mother daughter reunite after 17 years) abroad for a trip. But he never returned home. The mother kept waiting for her daughter. But it took 17 years for the mother to get her.

According to the report of Daily Star News website, Victoria O’Leary of Cork, Ireland, married a citizen of Saudi Arabia and they had a daughter. Both used to live in Cork (Ireland). When the daughter was 2 years old, the father once said that he wanted to take her to Saudi Arabia for a trip. Then what, he left with only the daughter. He said that he would return in a few days. But this did not happen. The mother had to fight a legal battle to get her daughter and now a few weeks ago, after 17 years, the mother and daughter met and the mother got her daughter.

mother daughter reunite after 17 years

Mother and daughter met after 17 years. (Photo: Victoria O’Leary)

The father himself kidnapped him!
19-year-old Fatima was 2 years old when her father took her to Saudi Arabia in 2007. After reaching there, she refused to return and her family also refused to return Fatima. Victoria went to Saudi Arabia many times in the last 17 years, talks were also held between the governments of Ireland and Saudi Arabia but it also did not yield any significant result. But Victoria did not stop trying.

Daughter returned home after 17 years
During the 17-year gap, Victoria kept in touch with Fatima through WhatsApp and Snapchat and kept sending her money when she needed it. In the year 2023, both of them suddenly saw a ray of hope when Fatima turned 18 and took the help of law to free herself. Victoria reached Saudi Arabia to pick up her daughter and met her at the hotel. Both hugged each other and started crying. The mother brought her daughter home, where the girl’s grandparents welcomed her with open hearts.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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