The family was not letting the girl marry her boyfriend, when the girl reached the police station this happened


Vikash Kumar/Banda: People in society have become more aware of laws and their rights than before. Due to this, society is not able to oppose love marriages much and has started accepting them to a large extent. In such a situation, if people’s society or family members create any kind of hindrance in their marriages, then people do not hesitate to take help from the police. This is the reason that now many times news of marriages taking place in police stations also keeps coming. One such case has come from Banda district of Uttar Pradesh.

In this case, the girl’s family was not ready to marry her to her boyfriend. The girl reached the police station and told the police the whole story. After this, the police called the girl’s family to the police station and counseling was done. After this, the family agreed to the marriage and the lovers were married in the police station itself.

The love affair was going on for 5 years
The whole matter is of Atarra Kotwali area of ​​Banda district. A girl living here was having a love affair with a young man from Chitrakoot for the last 5 years. The girl wanted to marry the young man but her family was not agreeing. Regarding this, the girl reached the police station and asked the police to arrange the marriage. The police listened to her and then the families of both the girl and the boy were called to the police station. On the persuasion of the police, the families of both agreed for the marriage. After this, the marriage of the two lovers was conducted in the temple built in the police station premises.

This was the reason for not getting married
The police officers present in the police station called the girl’s family and asked them the reason for not getting married, they said that the boy earns less. Another concern of theirs was that if the boy leaves her later, then what will happen to the girl. After the persuasion of the police, both the parties agreed for marriage. After this, in the temple built in the police station, in the presence of the family and the police, the boy and the girl garlanded each other and then the documents for court marriage were prepared.

Police gave information
In this entire case, Kasba Chowki Incharge of Atarra Kotwali, KD Tripathi says that the girl came to the police station and told the whole story about the marriage. The family was refusing the marriage. Both the parties were called for counseling. After both the parties agreed, the marriage was done and it was also registered in the court.

FIRST PUBLISHED : July 21, 2024, 20:30 IST