The controversy over the alien mummy is not over, two types of claims are being made, efforts are being made to conduct an in-depth investigation

The controversy over the bodies of two aliens found in Peru has not ended yet. A Mexican journalist who is claiming to be in possession of alien bodies is trying to get confirmation from American and European scientists to confirm their authenticity and is now preparing to fight a legal battle in this matter. At the same time, many archaeologists, historians and experts are still expressing doubts about these so-called bodies being aliens.

Two newly discovered ‘alien’ mummies from Peru have generated waves of controversy since X-ray and ultrasound data on the bodies was revealed last March, with archaeologists fearing they may be ancient humans dug up by tomb raiders.

Journalist and UFO researcher Jaime Maussan confirmed to that more in-depth ‘analyses are being carried out’ and that he is suing the Peruvian government for the right to send the bodies to more advanced laboratories in the US.

Maussan, whose research has sparked controversy for almost a decade, putting forward the idea that the mummies could be alien-human ‘hybrids’, with his scientific colleagues declaring that the new specimens contain ’30 per cent unknown’ DNA.

But critics remain sceptical of their claims. Latin American historian Christopher Heaney told “They are not sure they are human-like. They think they are human.” Mausson and his colleagues have apparently pushed for wider scientific interest abroad, having made a controversial presentation to Mexico’s Congress and clashed with Peru’s culture ministry.

Maussan’s confrontation with his critics reached its most heated moment last April when police raided a press conference he was holding in Peru with the intention of seizing one of the newly mummified bodies on display, called ‘Montserrat’.

“A $300 million lawsuit has already been filed,” Mauson said. “We are going to negotiate with Peru to get permission to send samples to the US for testing,” Mauson said. Mauson says NASA has also shown interest in studying the mummies, which were presented to the Mexican Congress last September.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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