The car entered a dark tunnel, the view inside was like this, people were stunned after seeing it, said- ‘This is the underworld’

When we go somewhere, it is natural to feel scared on an unknown road. Sometimes, there are roads on which your courage starts to fail after walking a short distance. At this time, a video of one such road is going viral, watching which you will get scared for a few seconds.

You must have seen many types of roads. In the video which is going viral on the internet, we can see that a car is entering a dark tunnel. The scene inside it looks no less than Patal Lok. Whoever saw the video got scared that how can someone go in it because accidents are waiting at every step.

Is it a path or hell
In the video going viral, it can be seen that a person is going somewhere in a car. Meanwhile, a tunnel comes in front of him. As soon as he goes inside this tunnel, it seems that he is going into a blind well. There are road signs in the tunnel but it is difficult to see them. If the lights of the car are not on, then an accident is sure to happen here. When the car comes out on the other side of the road, then the onlookers get relieved.

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